Tuesday, October 30, 2012



Why is it that when disaster strikes, some are saved while others are destroyed? Do you wonder why some are victims and others are victors, why some are declared winners and others are not so lucky? Some make it easily in life while some others have to struggle to make it and still there are others no matter how they struggled or worked hard, they will never make it? Some will answer with this statement, "life is not fair or favor ain't fair." Some will probably say "God is not a just God." Some will even say that some are just lucky. Well, whatever answer you may give or you may have heard others give, one thing is sure, there is a God that directs the affairs of things. He has the final say. In today's language, we will say "the buck stopped at God's desk."

Beloved, I want you to know that God is no respecter of persons. He is a just God, a God of justice. He is the Judge of the universe. He has everything in His control. He is the one that allows certain things to happen and others He withhold from happening. He is the One that make some alive and allow some to die. He is the One that make some kings and others paupers. Nothing that happens is without His knowledge. He knows before it happens and He knows while it happened. He has the power to allow it or to stop it. No matter the way you see it, you cannot blame God in any way. Like I always say, "you cannot be wrong with God." There is no mistake with God. There is no error with God. He is never late. He neither sleeps nor slumbers. He cannot be caught unawares. There is no surprises with God. He knows before it happens. In fact, nothing can happen without Him saying so or permitting it.

GOD HAS THE FINAL SAY. He gives the final approval. So, what is going on in your life? What situation are you currently facing? What mountains are challenging your faith? What seems to be slipping out of your hands? What afflictions are ravaging your life? Whatever they may be, God knows. He knows your situation more than you do. He has everything under control. You may not like what is going on or the outcome of the situation but for God everything is in order. As He has planned it or ordained it, so shall it unfold. And bottom-line, His name will be glorified in all things.

The Scriptures says in Jeremiah 29:10-11 (MSG) "This is God’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are up and not a day before, I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."

Are you not glad that God knows what He is doing and that He has everything planned out. Why will you not just trust your life into His hands. If you can trust your life into the hands of the manufacturer of your car, if you can trust your life into the hands of the human pilot of that aircraft, if you can trust even the food that you eat at the restaurant without asking questions, then we can trust our lives into His hand Who created us and gave us life. He Who left His throne, came down to the earth to show us the way. He surrendered Himself as a sacrificial Lamb so that we may not die but live. He even submitted Himself to the ridicule of the cross, His own creation. He humbled Himself so that we may be exalted in due season. He became sick so that we may have good health. He became poor so that we may become rich.

I will rather let that kind of God determine my destiny. I will rather trust Him with my whole life. I will rather put my confidence and trust in Him. The good book says in the book of Proverbs, the third chapter, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." They that put their trust in the Lord shall not be put to shame. Again I say unto you, "you can never be wrong with God." Can you miss your way if you follow the light? When you put your life in His hands, living will make sense. When you allow Him to be your guide, you will never miss your way. When you make Him your guard, your life will never be in danger. Your life will be secured in Him. When you make Him your support, you will never be weak. When you make Him your confidant, you will never be betrayed. When you make Him your banker, you will never be broke. When you make Him your doctor, you will never know sickness. The "I AM" has the FINAL SAY. Think on these things ...

From God's Servant
Bishop Henry ADEKOGBE

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