"Dear LORD, give me the gift of discernment of spirits that I may be able to discern good from evil, truth from false, genuine from fake. I refuse to be deceived by the deceiver in Jesus mighty name."
Matthew 24:4-5 (KJV) "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."
BELOVED, if you are in the know you will be in the flow. Knowledge will immune you against the deceiver and his antics. You will become a terror to the devil, the deceiver and the adversary, by knowledge in the Word of God. A person in bondage is automatically set free when he comes into the knowledge of the liberty and deliverance wrought in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
My dear beloved, Christ and even the apostles does not want us to be ignorant of the times and the seasons that we live in because ignorance is dangerous. The Bible says, "you shall know the truth and the trust shall set you, or rather make you free. When you know the next event in God's timeline, you will know how to prepare for the inevitable events that are about to happen. We must be aware that we are in the end time, many deceivers are already manifested and we must be careful not to fall into their antics. I pray that the power of God will deliver us from the school and the stranglehold of ignorance. I demand that your letter of admission into the school of ignorance be revoked right now in Jesus name. You are no longer a candidate in the school of ignorance from today.
Ignorance puts you at a disadvantage. It makes you vulnerable, you may be taken advantage of if you are ignorant. Ignorance is a form of disability because the ignorant will constantly depend on the knowledge of others.
The Bible says that in all that we get, we should get wisdom and get understanding. Wisdom is the correct application of acquired knowledge. Like they say, information is the super highway to success and it is the new money. When you are informed, you will not be deformed. In fact, information or knowledge will make you sellable. It will put you at the top, over and above your peers. It will place you at an advantage over others. Information at your fingertip will prepare you for the eventual. You will be able to figure out the right way to do things when you are informed. Christ wants us to be in the know so that we may not be deceived by the deceivers that he spoke about in the book of Matthew chapter 24 concerning the end time. We are in the last days and many deceivers are already on the loose. We must be sober and be vigilant. We must watch out for the adversary (deceiver), who like a roaring lion walks about, looking for whom he may devour or deceive. You will not be a candidate of deception. God will give you the knowledge and the understanding that you need to escape the end time deceivers in Jesus mighty name. SHALOM!
( … to be continued )
God's Servant
Bishop Henry ADEKOGBE
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