Thursday, May 23, 2013



God needs a man, a VESSEL to use for His glory. He needs a willing and yielded vessel. One that will surrender TO and DO His will. One that will live to please Him rather than please himself. The one that is willing to take care of God's pleasure rather than his own pleasure. That man that will say "Yes LORD, Here I am, TAKE Me, FILL Me, SEND Me & USE Me."

2 Timothy 2:20 "But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour."

Will you be that willing vessel? Will you be willing to forsake all and follow Christ? Will you be able to say like Jesus Christ, "not my will but yours be done?" God has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light to be an instrument of His glory, to be a vessel in His hand. He has commissioned you and I to "Go Ye ..." He needs you and I do His marvelous works here on the earth. That is why He said in His Word, "we are in the world but not of the world." Then why are we here in this world if we are not of the world? Of course, to enable Him save and affect the world through us, His vessels.

Will you be that vessel or what kind of vessel will you be? A vessel of honor or dishonor? A vessel of gold or silver? A vessel of wood or earth? A vessel God can rely and depend upon? A vessel to preach the Good News? A vessel to Build His Kingdom? A Battle Axe in the hand of the Lord? A vessel of His Glory? A vessel to Shine His light into this dark world? YES OR NO?

In order for you to be God's vessel, you must:
1. Surrender your life unto Him
2. Let go the world and its cares
3. Separate yourself unto God
4. Live Holy for God is Holy
5. Put God first before anything or anyone else
6. Depart from iniquity and Flee every appearances of it
7. Purge yourself from all the works of the flesh
8. Yield yourself unto God and His Spirit
9. Know God and let Him be known of you
10. Let His Word richly dwell in you
11. Be a Doer of the Word.
12. Call upon the Lord out of a pure heart, etc

If you will do all these things and many more as prescribed in the Word of God, then as the Bible have said "if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land." If you are willing and yielded to God and to be His chosen vessel, then He will use you for His glory and His glory shall be seen in and through you. And you shall be blessed of God and your Father which is in Heaven shall be pleased with you and He will say unto you "thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Father."

That God will give you and I the grace to surrender to the His will and to remain faithful unto Him, to make ourselves available and teachable and that we will indeed be vessels and instruments in His hands all the days of our lives, in Jesus Christ mighty name, amen."

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God's Servant
Bishop Henry ADEKOGBE

Prayer For Today - 23May13-6am: Prayer, Praise, Worship, Word, Warfare

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