Tuesday, July 10, 2012


(pray, read & declare)

"Oh LORD, let every satanic and demonic occupiers in the heavens of my life receive fire and thunder right now. Let them be destroyed and their evil assignments terminated in Jesus mighty name, amen."

Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Ephesians 6:12 (AMP) "For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere."

Beloved of the LORD, I am glad to announce to you today that the days of those forces operating against you in your heavens, against your breakthrough, destiny, finance, marriage, family, business and other areas of your life, are numbered. Why? Because the force of the host of heaven has be released on your behalf and commanded to disorganize, dismantle and destroy all the satanic gatherings in your heaven. You shall escape their evil plot. You will not be a victim anymore. Evil nests built on your head (in the heaven of your life) shall catch fire and roasted to ashes. Whatever has been sustaining them shall suddenly begin to disappoint them, they shall fall and crashland and they will never rise again.

There are three realms from which spiritual warfare are fought, the heavenly, the terrestrial and the aquatic or marine realms. The kingdom of darkness or satan (as it were) positions his agents strategically to cover the three realms in order to lay siege in the life of a person. Just like any nation protecting her territory by building a strong military composed of the air force (heavenly), the army (ground force) and the naval force (marine). The territorial integrity of that land is protected when these three divisions of the military are deployed. The same way in spiritual warfare, you must maintain your spiritual integrity by covering those three realms on your spiritual life. Like I have always said, if you must prevail against your enemy, you must know your enemy, know their strategy and know their weapons. By this you will be able to deploy a more effective fighting force to counter their evil advances.

I pray that today, the Lord will expose the secrets of your enemies unto you. The Lord will cause your enemies to fall into your hands. I command that the stronghold of the devil in the heaven of your life be pulled down and destroyed. Every satanic gang-ups against your destiny in the heavenly places be scattered, let there be confusion in their midst, let them begin to fight themselves. They shall fall upon their own swords and destroy themselves. Their weapons in which they trust in must begin to work and fight against them. The power of God is hereby deployed to destroy every satanic occupiers in your heaven. From now on, your will become too hot for the enemy to occupy. The heaven of your life has now become a "no parking" zone. Powers reigning in the heaven over your life must fall down after the order of Lucifer. I bind and cast down (out) every spiritual wickedness in the high places of your life. Princes of the air (heaven) blocking your prayers and the answers to your prayers must be destroyed after the order of the prince of Persia. Let them receive the fire of God right now and be roasted to ashes. By the power in the name of Jesus, all the evil works of the princes controlling and manipulating your life and destiny are hereby condemned to eternal destruction. Satanic barriers and obstacles in your heavenly realm be destroyed by fire by thunder. The Blood of Jesus is hereby released to cleanse your spiritual realm (spiritual atmosphere or environment or airspace) of all satanic pollutions, contaminations and the evil occupiers. The Blood of Jesus gives you victory over the evil occupiers.

I declare that POWER HAS CHANGED HANDS IN THE HEAVEN OF YOUR LIFE. From today, begin to rule, reign and have dominion over the heavens of your life. So shall it be in the name of Jesus, amen. SHALOM!

From the Desk of
Bishop Henry ADEKOGBE
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