Tuesday, September 18, 2012



I decree and I declare, "if no man can stop the day from breaking, if no man can stop the sun from rising, then no man, no power, no devil, no demons, no principality, no witches, no marine spirit, no satanic agent shall be able to stop your breakthrough and greatness from manifesting, in Jesus mighty name, amen." 

It is too late for the devil to stop you from manifesting the greatness of God in your life. The devil is a defeated foe. Christ defeated him on the cross of Calvary and made a public show of him and his cohorts over 2,000 years ago. Jesus Christ cried "it is finished." Today, I declare that it is finished to your troubles. The end has come to your troubles. Now I prophesy that for your troubles, receive double, double favor, double honor, double victory, double breakthrough, double success, double promotion. An end has come to your shame, reproach, failure, poverty, regrets, lack, rejection, barrenness, unfruitfulness, retrogression, backwardness, stagnation and all the problems of your life today. The Egyptians (every problems and troubles of your life) that you see today, you shall see them no more again and forever.

You have escape every trap of the enemy, you have escaped every pit dug for you by your enemies. By fire by thunder, you are exempted from death, danger, destructions, calamities, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, accidents, plagues, sicknesses, diseases and all the works of the devil. Your life therefore has become too hot for the enemy to touch. Your family, your children, your spouses and your loved ones are now become "touch not" for the devil. When the enemy shall see you and your household, they will jump and shall pass over you. Any evil hand stretched against you shall be paralyzed. Evil eyes monitoring your life and destiny shall receive blindness. They shall become deaf and dumb, those that are listening in into your silent prayers and speaking evil against you.

Your breakthrough is hereby commanded to begin to manifest. The time for your greatness, the time for you to be announced and the time for you to be celebrated is here and no power shall be able to stop you. So shall it be in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen. SHALOM!

From the Desk of 
Bishop Henry ADEKOGBE
Listen to the POWERPOiNT Radio 56.7 FM Inspirational Gospel Broadcast 24/7 at www.mypowerpoint.net or on your Smartphones, iPhones, iPods, iPads, Tablets, Androids and Blackberry.

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